Playing democracy in the dark

Mail Bag


To the Editor:
We love our democracy. We brag about it, wave flags, swell with pride. It has served us so well, for so long, that we haven’t taken seriously warnings given since the time of the ancient Greeks that democracies are fragile and only serve well as long as the citizenry remains vigilant, active, and informed. Now that stability is threatened as never before, and we in the Democratic Party are very concerned. Unless we can clearly see accurate information we won’t have opinions that are genuinely our own. We become mere proxy voters for those who most aggressively deceive and manipulate us.
There’s no need to try and summarize the last four years or where they have led and left us. What each of us has seen will be a far more persuasive guide than anything recounted here. All we ask is that during the critical moments of decision we each are searchingly honest with ourselves and not blinded by misinformation or incited tribalism. Please decide based on your clearest thinking, broadest point of view, and most principled hopes. Stand up for your country by standing up for yourself.
Gasconade County Democrats Club